Weapon Mastery

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Weapon Mastery is a new feature that allows players to check their gun stats and earn rewards based on their skills.

[New Progression System]
- Weapon Mastery is a new progression system where players can increase levels by gaining weapon XP based on players’ weapon use.
- It operates all the time without being affected by seasons.
- Weapon Mastery offers 100 levels for players to achieve per weapon.
- In the lobby, players can check their weapon use information, last match results, and the rewards they acquired thus far through the newly created Mastery tab.

[Weapon Mastery Rewards]
There are three types of Weapon Mastery rewards. These rewards can only be acquired through Mastery achievement.
- Charms
: Charms are accessories that can be equipped to weapons.
: New charm can achieved at every five levels of progression per weapon.
: Charms can be used with any weapon skins.
: Acquired charms can be equipped/unlocked in the rewards page. Equipped charms can be seen in-game.
: Charms cannot be traded, sold, or exchanged for BP.
- Medals
: Medals highlight awesome accomplishments players perform with their weapons.
: Each medal can be earned multiple times. There is even a counter that tracks how many medals have been achieved.
- Tier Emblems
: Players can earn emblems equivalent to their level brackets achieved per each weapon.
: Up to 10 tiers can be achieved.

[How to earn Weapon XP]
Weapon XP for is earned when one or more of the following elements is satisfied during a match.
- Damage
- Headshots
- Defeats
Defeats is a new term used for tracking actions that includes knockdowns, killing the last member of a team and killing solo players.You can acquire extra weapon XP based on distance of defeats.When earning Weapon XP, the amount received will increase based on how long you survived.
Defeats follow the existing judgment rules for DBNO/Kills currently used in the game.

[Additional information]
- Weapon Mastery does not count friendly fire/team damage.
- Weapon Mastery does not count downs caused by road kills or environmental factors (blue zone, red zone, fall damage, or drowning).
- Weapon Mastery does not count throwables or melee damage.
- Total defeats for each weapon can be found on the Weapons tab under Mastery.
- There is a maximum limit on each weapon that can be getting weapon XP.
For more information about Weapon Mastery, please read Introducing: Weapon Mastery.

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