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Q: Can I verify multiple game accounts using one mobile phone number?
A: No, you can verify only one game account with one mobile phone number. (1:1)

Q: Can I switch game account that is currently linked to my phone number?
A: Yes, that is possible. You can change your linking once a month, twice a year, which means you can switch 3 game accounts for one phone number in a year.

Q: Can I use mobile number that is linked to the banned game account?
A: No, that mobile number cannot be used for a verification on a new game account. When game account is banned the phone number linked to it will be blocked simultaneously.

Q: PIN code is not delivered via SMS
A: If that phone number is being used by another account or linked to a banned account, you won't be able to use for verification.

Q: How many times can I get a PIN code via SMS?
A: SMS with a PIN code can be sent up to 10 times, and after consuming all 10 chances of sending SMS, player won't be able to send SMS for 24 hours.

Q: Can I enter the same mobile number on both Test and Live Servers for a verification?
A: Yes, it is possible to use the same mobile number for Test Server as well as Live Server.

Q: Do I need to verify my mobile number every time I enter Ranked Matchmaking?
A: No, mobile number has to be verified only one time (i.e. very first time you enter Ranked Matchmaking)

Q: Do I have to use the same mobile number that is currently linked to my Steam Account for SMS verification?
A: No, doesn't have to the same mobile number.

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